By B.K.
Date: 10 January 2001

Sampler of Life

I’ve always felt that if Forrest Gump,
had a sister, she would have been me.
Realizing we all get our own sampler
of full-blown rock em sock em life,
knowing the old adage, when live gives
you lemons, believe me, I know how
to make world class lemonade now.
It’s when my life gets too quiet that I
start looking behind, over my shoulder,
out the peripheral vision, up and down
because I know it’s out there looking for me.
Another walloping slice of life with the
most unusual happenings. It starts with this
feeling at the base of your spine, this tingly
sensation of excitement, cliff hanging awe, then
you know, you had best start looking
in the closet for your lucky parachute,
because, you are about to jump, or get pushed.


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