By Gala
Date: 19 January 2001

The Name of The Game

I would hold you close every second
Of every day---
Never let you speak
Because my mouth would cover yours constantly,
And I would wrap myself around you,
Drape myself over your arm
And happily glow to be there.
I love you would punctuate every blessed sentence,
And I would try to have a public holiday on your birthday,
And speak of you at town meetings
As a precious natural resource that needed protection.
I would give big checks to any child
That had your name,
And scribble it in library books and one dollars bills
So it would be seen everywhere.
I would try and convince Ben and Jerry
To name a flavor for you,
And loosen light bulbs in big marquees
At flashy casinos outside Vegas.
I would enter cooking contests
And name every dish after you
Until I won the Pillsbury Bakeoff,
And could shout it out for all to hear.
And I would get the Webster people
To see it my way,
And post your photo next to every word
I think you embody.
I would kiss you  so much and so often and so hard
That they would end up calling a lip condition by your name.
And then I would talk to smaller states
About maybe changing the title of their capital.
And you know that's just the start.
We never really named the moon anything….

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