Date: 11 January 2001


I sit here dwelling in my own sorrows.
Trying to remember the times when I was once happy.
My life is sitting on the violent waves of the sea,
being thrashed around and torn into meaningless pieces.
Thrown onto a deserted island forbidden to live a life of
happiness, destined to live in darkness.

Every which way I look on this bare desolated place
I see nothing to live for, I walk around aimlessly
trying to find a moment of sane peace,
Only to be followed by the demon of pain.
The pain follows me as a demon would,
lurking behind, in the shadows watching.

The demon stays hidden until the very moment when you are
certain you’ve reached a point of happiness.
It springs upon you like a starving cannibal with no remorse.
Once again I am left with no where to turn,
all that is left is a mangled soul, hiding behind
an untrue image of happiness.

The demons within are aching to come out,
but they know if they show their true face
the powers of healing will defeat them.
As they stay hidden I walk around aimlessly
in this thing they call ‘life’.

Brianna Marie Schmidt

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