By Anita-Ann Bazlamit
Date: 8 January 2001

Imperfect Love

They say love is perfect...I disagree ....
What kind of love has no tears no fears
or emotions. For a love to perfect you
would loose all that makes it Love.
for two people to be together and always
see eye to eye and never show there fears
or pain for neither to ever see the true
beauty and wonder that the other holds
locked deep inside. If people starve for a perfect
love I wish them it. For me I wish for a imperfect
love. A love that allows me to share my hopes
my dreams and my fears. A love that lets me cry.
A love that lets me be angry. A love that
would want nothing less then me to be
the imperfect person that I am. Someone
I can love for his imperfections.
I had once thought I wanted a perfect love.
that was my problem. I always needed a
imperfect love. A love that would let
the storms pass and the night live on.
a imperfect love like the love...
I Feel for you.

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