By Elaina
Date: 15 January 2001

Meaningless Nonsense

Why do I write
this stuff in
the first place?
To please others,
or to keep myself
sane. What good
comes from all this
rambling. Half the
time I don't even
make any sense.
I mostly write
out of anger, and
more than that
confusion. So
what purpose does this
jumbled mess serve.
It doesn't make
things any less
complicated, because
I can't talk about
them without paper.
So why do I sit here
wasting my time, with an
obsession that doesn't
have a meaning.
Why do I rant on
and say so much
when I could fit
all I feel into
one simple sentence.
I'm throwing away
good useful time
that could be spent
doing something
constructive or
at least heart-felt.
No, I take that last
comment back, it is
heart-felt just
annoying I suppose.
Why do I write this
stuff, anymore.

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