By Melissa,
Date: 28 January 2001

No More

I don't wanna feel like this anymore
I'm tired of being overlooked
I'm always without someone who understands how I need to feel
How I want to feel
Nobody gives me that
I'm tired of everyone else having someone and me being the "friend"
Do I not deserve to be loved by you
I'ma girl too
She's not the only one
Stop looking at her!!
I like you
Not her!
But I guess that's how it's supposed to be
"You'll always be second or third best, Melissa. You'll have to live with it."
They'll all be sorry when I'm gone
Sorry they never gave me a chance
Maybe it's better that I just fade away
Would you care?
Probaby not
If they only knew how much I hurt inside
How much I needed someone there with me all those times when I was hurt and no one cared to notice
Not even you
That's what hurts the most
Me always having to be the nice one
Asking how you were feeling
Putting my hurt aside
All because I can't stand to see people in pain.
Too bad you couldn't either
Otherwise you would have noticed and asked me what was wrong
Then maybe you would know why
I'm not here.

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