By TJ Holland
Date: 16 January 2001

Sitting Still

So I looked back
Into the mirror
There I was
You wouldn't notice the difference
I'm sure
Oh, I have waited
I have sat still and sat
Ignored the many advances
Refused the requests
Turned down the offers
I am married
Though you don't
Want me any more
I am married
And I know you
And how you change your mind
And I know me
And how I don't leave behind
The promises I make
Or the commitments you fake
I am married
Even when he looks at me
With those eyes
The ones that look at
The black and white
I am still married
I was sitting still
And you don't know it
But when he's near me
Our bodies want to touch
We feel the pull
I always pulled back
In my mind let it go
You don't know even now
That he is me, we are the same
Mind alike, heart same
Pattern unchanged
You are thinking
I am waiting
For you to make up your mind
But now
His mind and mine are melding
While you drive to meet
The other woman
You provide the coach
That drives me to him
I am married
In the mirror
If I look behind
It is this way still
I am not sitting still
I have stood
And reached out
And kissed him inside
He has kissed me
And ended the wait
If you were to look at me
You would not know

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