"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired. Wait, no, that's coffee."
--"Terri - age 4"

"It will make you feel young again" --The New Yorker
  < november 2003 >
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Welcome to the November Blender of Love Digest!

October was a bit of a crazy month, the Loveblender switched webhosts (finally) and there were a few days of disruption...that's all behind us now, and it should be smooth sailing from here on in.

This month is your chance to order your own loveblender.com t-shirt...these should be some fun, high quality t-shirts that will let everyone see where you keep your heart...in an electrical blending appliance, right where it belongs.

As always, some great reading in our Front Page Picks. Plus, Jeffrey Brown's fantistic graphic novel of the rise and fall of a romance, "Unlikely", is our Featured Review--check it out!

Read, enjoy, order T-shirts,
--Kirk, Blender-Keeper     

The Goodbye - Tanqueray Cowboy
T.C. always writes the most amazing stuff.

The Meaning of Love (Parody, PG13) - Jacob W. Haller
From the newgroup alt.religion.kibology, a wonderfully evil parody of these kids on the subject. PG13 for mild sexual content.

Two People - 2luv
An exercise in variations on a theme, but it still manages to get its story across.

Surprised - Irongirl
"The first few dates recounted".

Strippers, Nymphs, and Pastries - SterlingRose
Study of the Seasons.

Waking Up Fucking You - willtobe1
As you can probably guess from the title, this work is highly charged. It's an expression of the frustration and anger that can sometimes come out in a long committed relationship.

open minded - nocturnal nyctophobic
I think the final line really clicks.

so little to say - darwin
Another great little prose piece by darwin.

Down the Rabbit Hole - Ali
"The Matrix" isn't the only thing that can repurpose that rabbit hole...

Flowers - jwb71913
Goofy little verse. I don't know if it's true but it sounds good.

Handsome in the Headlights - Champagne
Night scene.

Boing! - coujeaux
In praise of one woman's bosom.

the hazards of reading classical poets' works in fits of romance - TH_08
Strange thought on literary longing. break up emails - CordovaGirl
Interesting study of the e-relics of breakups.

Review: "Unlikely"
Jeffrey Brown's excellent and true graphic novel about finding romance and losing his virginity.

Heart on Sleeve Corner
231 more heartsongs sent to the Blender last month.

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