By Unchained
Date: 2001 Aug 14
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Talented Monkey

The blast
shattered your life.
You really knew
on a deeper level
that there was more
being said and done
than he admitted.

And now
it's in the open.
The pastels
and pinks
and rose
that colored
your world
were charred
by the betrayal
and you stand
ankle deep
in the mire
of your misery.

Will you forgive me
if I said
I knew?
it's best
not to point out
the obvious
to someone
who will not hear it.

it's better to ape it out
until the other monkeys
have all played their games
and gone home.

Last monkey standing?
But I won't play games
or cause any blasts.
If you ever
come to trust me
you can watch me
clean the debris
and clear the mud.

I know how
to paint
in pastels and pinks
and rose too.

Talented monkey,
ain't I?