By scqueen
Date: 2001 Aug 16
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Don't Be Cruel

Twenty-four years ago today, I was with my mama and my bestfriend in
the local pharmacy. We were picking out candy bars when we heard the news.
Elvis was dead.  I knew that my dad probably hadn't heard it yet.
I figured he'd be upset.  He took pride in the fact that
he, too, was from Mississippi and even claims he saw a young Elvis in
the 50's pumping gas in Memphis, TN.  We had tuna chow mein that night
for dinner and I spelled E-L-V-I-S with the mushy noodles on
my plate.  I was sad.  Sad that the world lost a once-gorgeous talented man.
I think of all the rock stars I screamed for in my youth.
I knew what it must've felt like to be screaming for him.
He will always do something for me.