By Charade
Date: 2001 Oct 18
Comment on this Work

Analysis of Love

I don't know how to break it to you gently
but I think the word "love" is a catch all
or even worse yet, a void empty word
with absolutely no meaning of it's own.

We throw lust, need, want, crave, desire,
admire, all together and shake it a little
blend it and mix it....
and we give this mixture a name....

That's it pure and simple....
Love has no meaning of it's own.
No magical mystical definition.

So to get around this fact,
that no one wants to admit.....
we say, it is a mystery,
which no one can explain.

Have you ever looked LOVE up
in the dictionary ????

And so here are a few that I came up with
as listed on an internet definition site :

verb:   get pleasure from
verb:   have a great affection or liking for
verb:   have sexual intercourse with
noun:   a beloved person; used as terms of endearment
noun:   a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction
noun:   any object of warm affection or devotion
noun:   a score of zero in tennis or squash
noun:   a strong positive emotion of regard and affection
noun:   sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people

Now aren't they eye openers !!!    I told you that the word  "LOVE"
is a catch all.    No wonder people keep falling into and out of it.....

Well at least it's better than a well or a pit - where once you fall in,
it's almost impossible to get out of.......  People seem to be quite adept
at falling into and out of love....  So it definitely is not an abyss....... or a one way
trip to ecstasy......  

So, the "he loves me, he loves me not".......  "I love him,  I love him not"  can be
paraphrased to :

  "he wants me......... he wants me not"  -     "I want him...... I want him not....."

A very wise man once told me -   "forget about love..... it doesn't exist......
instead think of love as just a living arrangement.......  you pick someone who
you can live with...... who doesn't irritate you too much......  who doesn't mind
sharing the covers...... and who is willing to share the load......  and don't forget,
make sure he's good in bed......."

I used to think that he was just old, and had forgotten the true excitement of love.....

but in all reality......  that chase and conquer stuff..........  is all just a part of the
conglomeration that the world calls "love"...........

One must remember, that when the frivilously intense courtship and newness
wears off............ one is left with the inner core of the person you chose to live with....
and hopefully they are different enough from you to still be interesting...... but share enough
of your feelings and values...... to make them a soothing and cuddly lover......
Someone to hold on to during the thunderstorms of life...............
