By Betty-Boop
Date: 2001 Nov 01
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Pour Some Sugar on Me

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Fructose covered
disguising the sour
the acid  mal taste
of love's painful power

A sucrose glaze
coating the pill
swallowed in sweetness
but bitter yet still

Doused in the sugar
of lifes full deception
to fool all the fools
to the acerbic  complexion

Of the language of love
and its tart, tangy ardor
that burns and devours
love's  faithful  martyr

No, Life's not all fuzzy
but rather surreal
not as we'd have it
but as we've been forced to feel

So give me more syrup
to coat as I swallow
this bitter-sweet morsel
as I fill this deep  hollow

In fructose I dip it
when love has turned sour
camouflage of  sweetness
to last but an hour.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~