By Misti
Date: 2001 Nov 03
Comment on this Work

Don't Let the Fuschia Confuse Ya

summoned by the frantic simmer
the deep urge roiling in the gut
to put all the angst and wonder and mystery
and heartache and passion
on canvas
to splash it on
not sparingly
but with giddy
screaming abandon
look...there's no explaining
an orgasm
you don't go to school
to break down the meaning
of lust
throw it on there like life
being lived
throw it on
not like water dousing the fire
but oxygen arousing the flames
breathe it in
the dripping cerulean
the spirals of fuschia
the arcs of orange
reminding you of sunset
the taste of her skin
mingling with cerveza and salt
on the tongue
silky soft blooming healing
this is a painting of verbena
the verbena which survived
a bumpy February
and April's nibbling pests
this is a backwards sprint
regression on fucking purpose
primal and filling
bloodletting and pancakes.