By Charade
Date: 2001 Nov 08
Comment on this Work

Lot's Wife

I used to be Harem
all bubbly and new
friendly and sharing
inquisitive too

My aura was glowing
all cheery and wild
taking the chance
to share what's inside

It wasn't so easy
to open that way
not  what I'm used to
not easy to say

It was a mistake
that I learned to regret
sharing too much
I blush even yet

And so I changed names
to create  a new start
a different persona
a different heart

To avoid all the clatter
and anger and strife
to hide from the hecklers
and brighten my life

This time would be different
no one would know
I'd be very  careful
and never would show

The silly old Harem
with words of pure cheer
try to contain her
and so  I did fear

That someone would know her
by the words that I write
my style wasn't  hidden
when brought to the light

And so I got caught
playing this game
they figured it out
I'm one and the same

Again they grew angry
all hostile and mean
attacking each other
the writing grew lean

Confessing my sins
and what I had done
my multiple names
my multiple fun

Gradually they cooled
the anger subsided
my writing continued
so glad I confided

Content for the moment
as the new Tangerine
Charade and taboo
and others were seen

The negative aura
hoovered like gloom
filling this blender
filling this room

The fun is all gone
there's feelings of doom
I just don't belong
I can't play their tune

I guess there's enough
of their type to survive
to keep the place going
to keep it alive

I know that there's others
who feel like I do
they've told it in verse
and e-mailed me too

I feel like Lot's wife
who turned into  plaque
I leave here with hopes
that I'll never look back
