By scqueen
Date: 2001 Nov 25
Comment on this Work

Giving Thanks

Dear Joe,
Yes, I am thankful for the thirty pound turkey.  And I
especially enjoyed the company.  My grandmother was at my
side in that little cup of lime jello salad. And damned proud,
I'm sure, that I ate it for someone else! I am thankful for
the fistful of Monarch butterflies at the Natural History
Museum. I could hear them sucking dessert off of the
sponge feeder.  Oh, and you taught me two new trees.
First, the Dombeya beckoned me with it's hanging pink
snowball ornaments. Second, the blue eyes of the pigeonberry
blinked as if to say "Choose me for your front yard, I'd be

Thanksgiving brunch was quite an eye opener at the Gay Jewish
deli. The subtle rainbows around the community brightened
my day, as did the little girl with the paper plate mask who
told me to "Have a nice day" in her loudest voice.

When the windshield wipers went kaput in the pouring
rain, you knew just what to do.  Well, okay, we got lucky.
But it was you who got soaked and never complained.

Thank you for you, for Thanksgiving and for all that you
give to me.
