By Stephen
Date: 2002 Mar 11
Comment on this Work

Just Then One Datum

                   Datum on a telephone wire
                    Datum's golden boy blue
              Datum's son given a choice, just one
                   Datum's gone fond on clues

                  Demoted from dictums, Dixon
                   Dickers fawn, upon, anew
                 Doted, too bedeviled, civiled
                   Devaluations due...and due

             Devalued with your evictions, fictions
               Daunted those afflictions you drew
                 Data of desire for hire, sire
                Datum's you just grew and grew

                 Datum of pleasure, you fester
               Datum of favor, you number, later
           Don't sown next dawn's love falter, salver
         Or forget to shiver, while forgone with saunter

        [   And you played your hem off me then, Salem
           Delighted before seers, down veering starters
          Dealers of fevers, sisters and
         Delay, what will you say, my charming vends venue   ]