By Misti
Date: 2002 Apr 09
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The Achingly Beautiful Mythology of Jessica & Elizabeth Wakefield

found my first Sweet Valley High paperback
at a five and dime when I was twelve
right away I was enchanted
the illustration of the sixteen year old
blonde Californian cheerleader on the cover
Jessica Wakefield
with two successful parents who both cooked
and teased her
and called her down for pancakes each Sunday afternoon
and guys lining up to kiss her and take her to the
Beach Disco
and an older brother who came home to do his laundry
and ruffle her hair
and an identical twin sister
Elizabeth Wakefield
four minutes older
identical down to her dimple
and AquaFresh smile
but different
Jessica loved to party and scheme
and Elizabeth loved to write and date just one guy
I didn't know who I wanted to be
I would have loved being either one
Jessica or Elizabeth
Betty or Veronica
Ginger or Mary Ann
a paper doll who has it all
knows exactly who she is
down to the last detail.