By musicalduck
Date: 2002 Apr 10
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best friends

i was filling out this silly survey one of my friends sent me and the first question was have you ever fallen in love with your best friend. I said yes, of course, because I fell in love with you. I think that made me realize it's probably going to be impossible for us to be best friends again. You're always going this way and I'm always going that way. Our paths rarely cross. But we somehow manage to keep in touch. We're both barely hanging on( I think I'm holding on more, though.) I never thought we wouldn't ever be best friends. I used to talk to you about other guys, now I have nobody to talk to about you. Yet, when i do talk to you about us, you seem to understand, and you seem to have the same questions as i do. So maybe we won't ever be best friends again, but atleast I know you still care.