By Babygirl
Date: 2002 May 08
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Without You

I wonder how it would be without you.
Would you be easy to live without?
Could I just forget about you and everything we have?
Would I think about you all the time?
Would little things remind me of you?
Would I cry when I hear our favorite song?
Would I be able to go to our favorite places without you?
What would I be without you?

And Sometimes I wonder,
what would you do without me?
Would you just completely forget about me?
Would little things reminder you of me?
Would you think about me when our favorite TV shows came on?
Would you ever miss putting your arms around me?
Would you ever just lie in bed and wonder why I'm not there next to you?

Me without you, you without me, I hope I never have to really find out what it feels like because honestly, I know that I can't live without you.