By angieubaldo
Date: 2002 Jun 07
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how poetic...

How poetic,
How special..
She loves him,
He loves her,
Fools they are...
Fools for love...

Love doesn't last,
Love isn't forever,
Love isn't poetic,
Love is being burned...

Your heart charred,
Broken glass,
Being just a piece of ass,
Broken dreams,
Being ripped at the seams...
A sad song
Weeping all night long
Being lost
Paying such a high cost
When I am broke
Being choked
By my own tears
Imprisoned by my fears
Time ticking away
While he strays...
Forever condemned
To sin..
An ugly face,
With one night
With every fight
I am falling deeper and deeper
Becoming weaker and weaker
Falling pray
To these evil days.

This is what I know of love...