By Sloane1
Date: 2002 Jun 12
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Soul Mate

People surround me
Yet I feel alone
I wear a constant smile
Though I cry inside
I never thought I would fall in love
And then it struck in the night
First my lover, then back to my friend, now
We just dance somewhere in between.
Why do the things you wait your
Whole life for, and that are suppose to be wonderful
Make you absolutely miserable?
Everyone is under the illusion you will find your soul mate
Or that perfect match
But what happens when you find him
The one who takes your breath every time you see him?
The one who finishes your sentence with out skipping a beat?
The one who knows the right buttons to push, sending you over the top?
The one God purposely put on this earth to complete you
And he is not willing to give up two-year rocky relationship,
A raggedy, used, security blanket
For the greatest love he has ever known.
If I knew the answers, he would be mine
But I sit and wait hoping he will let go,
Falling free of his blanket into my arms, the one person who was sent to make him whole.