By Sloane1
Date: 2002 Jun 20
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When you are young
Fear is
The boogey man hiding under your bed

Or the monsters in your closet
That only comes out when the lights are off
After your last bedtime story is read.

And bringing home a C on your report card
When your parents expected an A

As you grow older,
LOL (my ripe ole age of 24)
You experience different fears.

I admit the boogey man still gives me the creeps,
And I still hide my head under the covers
When the house makes a funny creek

But your fears mature
And things you never thought about scare you the most.

I fear not being successful,
Or not making a difference in someone else's life

I fear I will die alone,
Never getting married,
Or given the chance to make someone a wonderful wife.

I once asked you what was your greatest fear,
You paused and sighed,
Saying getting my heart broken again, my dear.

Well even though you never asked, this is my greatest fear
That you will walk away, never giving us a chance,
Never looking back on these few months.

And I will never feel the rest of my life,
The way I feel when I am with you.