By Sloane1
Date: 2002 Jun 21
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Sleepless Dream

As I lay in my bed last night
Of course my thoughts drifted off to you.

Reflecting on all of our special times
I started to cry
Scared that they were over.

I snuggled with my body pillow,
Wishing it were you next to me.

Wishing it were you holding me,
But it wasn't.

And then the oddest thing happened.
The phone rang.

I answered.

I vaguely remembered the voice on the other end.
I pinched myself to make sure I had not fallen asleep.
Could this really be you? Was I dreaming?

I wasn't. It was you. God had answered my prayers.
Just the simple words
"What ya doin sexy"
And all of my tears melted away

And now I know, I don't have to worry,
I don't think you will ever let us lose what we have.