By Sloane1
Date: 2002 Jun 25
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My tears will form an ocean
And I will sail my way to you.
My heart a barren ground
Where thoughts of love once grew.

My God, I am going crazy,
I feel myself slipping away.
My thoughts are completely hazy.
Why in the hell, did I let myself feel this way?

I don't know if I can live without you,
Or live my life alone,
What in the world am I going to do?
If you cant find your way back home.

But what if you do come back to the U.S.
For a minute lets pretend,
Will there be even be an us.
Or will we attempt to just be friends.

You told me tonight,
You are a true believer in fate,
I am putting up a big fight,
But for us, I think it is a little too late.

I can't hold back my tears now.
That ocean is forming fast,
God, let him love me somehow.
Before I become his past.

I am at my wits end
With all of life and its so called luck,
I don't want to be just his friend
Or the person he calls to fuck.