By musicalduck
Date: 2002 Jun 29
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Dear Mom

I just realized that all of my sadness and anger go back to you. You're the root of all my problems, and it seems like you don't even care. Yes, I have forgiven you, but there are some things I don't understand. Like why you never call and how you don't know my birthday. I doubt you even know my middle name anymore. 5 years have gone by, and I havem't seen your face. How is that supposed to make me feel? You're the adult here, but it seems like I've matured faster than you. And I hate to admit this, but sometimes I cry myself to sleep at night wondering if I'll ever see you again or if you even love me. I'm your daughter and I don't even know if you love me. I guess what happened is good, though. I have great friends and a great family. The only thing missing is you. But if you don't want me in your life, why should I want you in mine?