By wistful
Date: 2002 Jul 22
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The Missing Puzzle Piece

"You know what your problem is?", they said, elated.
"You need to be clear what you want", (so they stated).
"What you need is a list", they sagely suggested.
And it sounded so fair (though my instincts protested). . .

. . . that I did.

And the list was as long as a mountain is high,
So they said "I suppose that it's good that you tried,
"But you want far too much!  It's just not realistic"
"You need to decide and be much more specific."
And with that, they went off, sadly shaking their heads.
Dispersing in pairs, and returned to their beds.

So I did.

I pared down the list to what was, in my view,
The barest essentials, the critical few.
So I prayed for a person that fit this crude mold
And then you appeared, right on cue. I was sold!

So I thought.

"He's all that I listed; it's almost absurd!"
"And I thought that this list thing was just for the birds!"
So fervently did I desire to be mated
"We should be in love", I stubbornly stated.  

But we're not.

Because somewhere between all those well thought-out lines,
Is something I need that I just can't define.
And I know that despite how we match to a tee,
I could never do "should", and there's no long-term "we".