By Jenilee
Date: 2002 Aug 27
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Ticking Bomb

Each day I wake up not knowing what to expect.
How will you act towards me. How will I respond to you?
      Mentally it's exhausting,
This back and forth game of chess we play
      make your move I make mine
Day in and day out we play this game
      dance this dance
      each make our claim
I don't want to hurt you but I feel I've changed.
I haven't yet received the time I needed,
      even before you came.
You just got caught in the whirlwind and sometimes
plans need to be able to bend.

But now its time to blossom into Adulthood
Leave behind all my preconceived notions of life
      and find my own way.
Nothing will change my mind
no matter how you try to push me
      So why prolong it?
Just to open wounds over and over, never to heal?
Bleed and scab only to pick incessantly at the scab,
      and bleed again?
Every day. Over and Over again.
That's what causes scars
I don't want to come away from this with scars
      I want wisdom lines.