By Misti
Date: 2002 Sep 07
Comment on this Work


strung out
who spiked my Hawaiian Punch
show yourself
you cowardly fucker
I don't care how sexy and delightful
you think you are
no it's not your fault
after all
my delusion my fantasy my $940 psychiatric bill
my jobless bullshit robotic surviving
for three and a half fucking months
answering to the in-laws
yearning for Texas my Texas
my bloody puerile Mary Kay Save Us Jesus Texas
crawling back to my mom
please Mom make it go away
I'm stupid again
why can't I grab some dignity
walk taller than some seventeen year old
masochist in love with a blue-eyed blonde
who claims he's half-Comanche
think clearer than a twenty-two year old
wild child fresh outta basic training
hungry for some lovin'
even if the lovin'
cost oh I don't know
I've never been good with numbers
about eight thousand dollars
and the possibility of a trip
to the pen
and a welfare pregnancy
and the mighty Amazon sensation
of taking a pick ax
to my own heart
I'm still bleeding
needing immunitysanctuaryabsolution
feeding on the pettytemporalpretty stuff

he says I'm devolving
he says Pick Yourself Up
throwing books around
and curling up in the fetal position
never solved