By loren
Submitted by lulu
Date: 2002 Sep 28
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i can feel it, creeping up my back, flowing threw my shoulders and finnally surging into my neck. Suddenly the room is smaller, the doors are locked, I try to scream but Im too overwhelmed for anything to come out of me. I cant see what im doing, Im afriad to turn around. Every one thinks Im its just a joke, they dont have to deal with the pain or the torement. Something is trying to hold me, to touch me, to catch me when I fall, yet when I turn around nothing is there. I jump..sure to land on my own two feet. At that moment instinct takes over, my body shakes, Im clawing at my numb yet sensitive back. Ive just showen the real me to someone..i dont know how to react. I know its a bad idea..i feel like i just told the world everything about me. i cant handle it ..i panick. I run out of the room, out of the house, as far away as i can. no one can see me. no one can talk to me. i am alone...i have no one to cry on or to confide in. I know im not being one is there to touch me..yet still the feeling remains, until finnaly i ignore the problem and it the feelings leave my body numb. i go along like im perfectly fine until the surges return. when they come back i will need to fly..even if i cant. i will need to be away from every thing and every one..i will need to finnaly be free.