By arushi
Submitted by ray
Date: 2002 Nov 06
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I will dwell through the nights
Making up my own wonders
Screaming my own name
But i will live your life, as you

I will march up and down winter paths
Remembering the moments that never passed
Thinking of empty thoughts that won't last
But my life will be alive, forever

I wil cry alone at night
Creeping on my mind will be you
I will recall all the memories of the things you used to do
But why should i come and live your death, with you?

I will hide from my shadows
Nothing can touch me but your presence
Leaving an empty feel on my skin that longs you
But you ran from me, never to return

I will drink the moon sparkled water
Sipping greedily at the coolness
Waiting fot the mystical danger to pounce
But as far as i hear, there is not a sound

I will turn every turn that takes me
Skipping to every beat that makes me
Losing all sanity off my mind
But what is it, to you?
