By Cyan
Date: 2002 Nov 10
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Castles in the Sky

A pattern for my future. All laid out in pastel colors. Contemporary architecture standing aloft an exquisite piece of land, minus the picket fence. I disdain the ordinary.

And for my husband. A perfect chap. Always saying the right things, at the right time, for the right occasion. Tall, dark, and handsome. Dimples on both cheeks. Chiseled from head to toe. Enchanting eyes. Like a masterpiece.

My children? There will be none in the early light. They will have to wait till dusk before the world lends itself. There is so much to do in the light before being a mother. I intend to live life to the fullest without restraint.

"This was my dream at 15. The age at which I loved to build castles in the sky. Beautiful castles. High in the clouds.  My ideal. The way I thought life should be. But as I stand here on these steps, just beneath his trailer, with my belly round and full at 19, and the love of my life not so perfect, it seems as if life has drawn another pattern for me. And I accept.

