By believe
Date: 2002 Nov 11
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of a tree

can one see in the timelessness of a tree
life passin slowly by out of mind
and gales but instant makes
summers and autumn but flickers by
while winter is time for sleep
there is a tree within my thoughts
that has been there for me forever it seems
for it has grown and thickened along with i
planted so early in my spring
yet still it bears its scares for all its young life
of a fire that consumed its resting place
but still it survived, flourished for all that
burn marks slow to heal
but healed now long since with trace scars
to mark the year of that
an of a heart carved in its side
initials of you and i
grown taller, grown old
where once my hand could reach so easy
from the time i carved so simple thing
yet still shows the time i took in its make
the care of each letter i carved
no one could ever know
of the sadness that day
none but this tree and i
yet to find this my mark
i almost had to climb this day
for the tree has grown
and brought our initials to the sky
this tree with the history of i
that will survive long past my time
i hunker slow my knees so old
heh hear them creak as i squat to sit
and bring out a cheese sandwich like so long ago
to sit with my back against my tree
and watch the world from here go by
remembering the dreams i once had
of so many things
i begin once more to speak
to the tree of life
my friend for so many years
to tell it stories of you once more
and a tear softly forms
for all the sadness times
i find again to my surprise
this tree becomes once more
my backbone to the world