By Dragonfleyes
Date: 2002 Nov 14
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Love Letter

I wanted to write you a letter, just for the sake of writing you a letter.  I thought I would tell you how my day was, and that I was thinking of you.  But there has been something on my mind, that I want to give a clarity too.  I've never experienced love, the way I am with you.  I don't want to be cliche in what i'm writing, and I don't want to sound like every other love letter ever written.  I think one of the most visual things I see when I think of you, is a street at night, with the lights fading into the dusky dark sky, then there you are waiting for me.  I don't see anything else, all i see is you at the end of the street waiting for me.  Then I run to you (probably tripping over my feet in the process).

We talked about if anyone else feels like this, at least the extent we do.  Possibly they might, but I know that I've never had this with anyone else.  I've never had anyone seem so clearly pointed in my mind, with this big emphasis on wanting to spend every minute second of my life with you.  I'm not a princess, waiting for you in a beaded gown and a tiara, nor are you a prince waiting for me with your white horses.  You're just this man coming to me, with your black converse hightops and your faded sweatshirts with your arms
wide open.   Wide open waiting for me to fall into them.  

I can't think of anything other than you make sense, complete sense to me.  I'm generally so confused about everything and wondering where my life is going, but with you, there isn't a question.  There isn't a "what if" or a "when"  it's a sense of completion, that the waiting is over and here we are just living as we are supposed to be.  We've had our dark days, and they aren't over yet, but i know that even on the darkest days if you are there to hug me and to kiss my tears, and I am there to do the same; we can do anything.  I love you, and those words aren't enough to cover the enormity of the emotion it encompasses.  My heart is intertwined with yours, and I know that I am supposed to be with you.  

I used to have this theory, that I called my Adam and Eve theory.  That Eve was taken from Adam,  thus a part of his flesh.  Therefore, there is a part of a woman, in every mans flesh.  When that flesh met, they would know, because how can you deny something you are a part of.   I am part of your flesh, my love, as you are part of mine.

Till Tonight,
