By RainbowChaser
Date: 2002 Nov 17
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It ain't me

It ain't me
This is nothing like me
I look in the mirror and I feel shocked, suprised, horrified
What am I doing?

It ain't me
I care for you more than anything
yet i feel like I'm fucking up a good thing, am I?
will you always love me and want me?

What can I do to show you how much you mean to me
what can i do to let you know that i need you to hold me, to want me, to show me how much i mean to you
what does the future hold for us
do you really want a future for us, or are you scared by the present?

why is this so difficult
you are in my heart, i tried to fight it, but are there, and there is no doubt
how did you come into my life so quickly
and come to mean so much to me

i love you with all my heart,
but i don't think i'm the one for you
i don't deserve you
how did this happen

how did i change so quickly
am i really this jealous
am i really this concerned over what people think
things are moving so fast, is there any hope of slowing them down

it aint me
i'm not usually this jealous
this concerned
this worried

I am worried, but for all the wrong reasons
i want to be the perfect person to you, but i'm not sure i am
I want to wrap my whole body, soul, and worries into your body
and let you hide me, protect me from all the elements

it ain't me
that is messing this up
am i ?
cuz if it is, it aint me that doesn't want you

Help me overcome all that ails me
i place all my trust and hope in you
could you be the prayer that i've been praying for for so long
the star that i've been wishing on

You mean so much to me
Don't forget, don't doubt
just know that i care for you
more than words