By Jessi
Submitted by Jessi8586
Date: 2002 Nov 25
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Already Gone

Already gone,
You came from a place far beyond,
To be here with me,
To see what I see.

So caring and kind,
But still it feels like we're running out of time,
Give me a chance,
And I will prove I can dance that dance.

Because everything you do for me,
No one else could ever compare,
My brother you are everything,
And losing you, I wouldn't be able to stand.

A smile like yours,
That glows like a rainbow in the sky,
You make me happy,
And you don't even have to try.

Your heart so brave,
It's your love that I crave,
You my brother,
Are like no other.

Your words of wisdom,
Your inspirational love,
I still hear and feel them coming from Gods kingdom,
And I know you are near.

Wondering and waiting,
For the time we will be together again,
Knowing it will come someday,
And we will be together again.

But always remember,
You are my brother
I will always love you,
And you will always be in my heart.

~Jessi Hilton