By Lori M.
Submitted by LoriMe
Date: 2002 Nov 29
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Thoughts or Maybe Not

My head is empty,
desolute of all thoughts.
Open to new ideas,
yet recieving none.
No words describe how I feel,
as he quietly lays by my side.

Breathing in his rythmn,
lying still in bed,
not even realizing
that he is being watched
and adsorbed by me.

Lying in a dream,
lost in his own mind.
Giving me no warmth,
feeding the coldness to my soul.

If only he knew how much I wanted to wake him,
to make him understand my emotions.
To be with him, touching him,
to feel his glowing warmth
close to my body.

But he sleeps
and will lie still until sunrise.
I shiver in my coldness.
Why doesn't he wake up?
Hidden in his own depths, eyes closed.
I am so lost....

Desperately wanting to shake him awake and tell him!!!
What stops me?
Pride, foolish damned pride.
Painful memories and bad dreams of times past.  
So I let him sleep on,
lost in himself.

All I can do is close my eyes
and try to drift into my own cozy world
of nothingness.