By emochino
Date: 2002 Nov 29
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history of a boy and girl

I can't help but to think about you
Wondering what you're wondering
Trying decide what it is I'm thinking
knowing we have history between us
but is history about to repeat itself
I don't think that I could take that again
Last time it almost broke me entirely
It's strange to hear your voice again
I miss the talks we used to have
Late into the night over the phone
It's been a year since there was you
I know that we're both different now
But it's cool we can still relate
I still love the way that you laugh 
I could listen to the sound all day
But I can't help but wonder if it's real
or is this all part of an insidious plan 
Something that I don't understand
You've always been smarter than me
And I've never been able to read you
I guess we'll wait and see what happens
Maybe history will tell a different story this time