By Blue
Date: 2002 Dec 05
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The love of Green

I don't have any words

Green will never love Blue

And I feel that it's o.k.

Maybe it's the fear of transforming

Not Green

Not Blue


And if your words are true

Know that the only reason I was able to get so angry

Is because I was totally, naturally, unconditionally loving you, and I couldn't stand to see you at the time in your stuck up, know it all, definition obsessed, arrogant state.

If your words are true, you have landed on earth...

If your words are true, I forgave you long ago...
When I lost my color of blue and turned green-blue.

Does writing about us upset you?

Why could you never communicate with me?

Why could you never just say... "YES", "NO", "MAYBE", "ONE DATE", "NO DATE", anything....

That's why I was always so pissed.

If you think your actions spoke for themselves, you are mistaken.

You actions contradicted your every word.