By Blue
Date: 2002 Dec 07
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The demons are extinct
And like a newborn child
You need nurture for the animal you
Always were: the Human Love species.

The demons are extinct
And you feel lost without them
For a time they were your only friends
In your isolation - alienation - in the only light you knew at a time now extinct -- darkness.
Darkness was your light...
Now everything is not about dark and light, black and white...
Now your light is the hidden color of the world: LIFE.

Thank GD you are alive.
And thank GD you have been reborn.
You have been saved.
It is not the ghosts of the demons that talk...
Their ghosts are transformed.
It is only your memories of their endless chattering...
It is only your memories of their haunting...

Replace your memories of old with LIFE.