By Fully Aware
Date: 2002 Dec 08
Comment on this Work

'Choose Your Own Adventure'

It would happen here.  Its just ironic enough to be unbelievable, she is picking up takeout after work and he is in for the weekend and having lunch with former coworkers.  Just sentimental enough that this generic Mexican place was their favorite restaurant some time long ago.  It makes the moment into some sort of "Auld Lang Syne" cliche that they would have made fun of together when it happened (exactly as he predicted) in one of the saccharine romantic films she favored.

And here they are stumbling over a moment that can't be digested.   There are no bites tiny enough.  Her mind races everywhere from simplistic shock over his presence in town to moments that can only be expressed when eyes connect.  He wants to laugh that they both ended up here on a Tuesday at 2:15, make a snide comment at the diamond ring casting flashing taunts over his face, and kiss her till she forgets why that ring is there  all in the same minute.

If there is one great love, it hangs in the space between them.  But she has doubted the existence of "the one God made for her" ever since she knew this would never work out and said yes to someone else and hasn't been sure since.  If there is a Fate, he must sit down over beers with Irony and plan ways to make people look like jackasses on a slow night.  

And everyone reading this and reading between the lines will be as divided as the two lovers in our story.  Should we cheer for our protagonists to run off into the sunset or should she go home with her Special de Casas and set down a huge bowl of Tostitos and ask how was you day? to the man she loves fondly but not passionately.

There really isn't any happy ending.