By Renita
Submitted by KrystalAJ
Date: 2002 Dec 11
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The Love Letter

   I will love you for all eternity.  The day I met you truly
changed my life forever.   People look their entire lives
to find someone to love like I love you,  and never find
that one person.  Our circumstances at this point are hard,
but my love is true.  I will forever be devoted to you, and
stand by your side.  You are a wonderful and caring man,
and I am truly blessed to have you in my life.  By society,s
standards it is unusal for me to love you, strange in some
way. But to me it is as natural as the air I breath.  Though
I have never touched you or kissed your lips,  and how I have
longed for that moment.  I somehow feel we have touched before.  
The connetion I feel to you is real and strong..  I feel you
in my heart.  My soul recognizes your soul.  God brought our
two lives together for a reason,  and I am a stronger person
for it.  I do not care about your past,  or what you have
done.  I love you for you,  and that is all that matters.
When I met you on your birthday, I knew from the moment
I looked into your eyes that I loved you.  From that moment
on my love for you has grown.  The love I feel for you is
neverending,  and will stand the test of time.  My heart is
forever yours,  now and always.  My thoughts are filled of
you and me.  When I see you again my only wish is to just hug
you once,  and touch your handsome face. Simple request,
that other people take for granted.  To share a convser-
sation face to face.  To smile and laugh together.  Your
smile takes my breath away.  Only God and I know the depth
of my feelings for you,  and the emotions I feel each day
for you.  I may never be your wife,  but in my heart I am
as devoted as any wife could be.  Our lives have collided,
and I can't imagine my life without you in it.  You are forver
in my heart and  in my soul.  Know that when the day comes
for me to leave this world and I go to my heavenly home.
My love will go on for you.  Death cannot stop our love for
eachother.  I know that one day we will be together, as
husband and wife.  You are my one true love, my soulmate.
I will love you, forever, my sweet prince.  Love: Your Angel