By A student
Submitted by Blue
Date: 2002 Dec 17
Comment on this Work

A Mark

O.k.  here it goes.  

The year is ending soon and I would like to wrap this up.

Statement: the only way I connect to you is through my natural gift of compassion.  Compassion is my love and has motivated me to persist on correcting you, improving you, refining you, and helping you to generally be a more effective teacher in touch with reality, and a better person if possible -- in the same way you have blessed me with your personal and universal teachings.

This may be helpful.  Not only is it important for me to understand how other people such as yourself have in the past or currently perceive me; and how my behavior, action, attitude, and communication skills effect those impressions/perceptions -- but it is important for me to make this final "offering" of information whether you wish to take it or leave it to better give you an understanding of how other people may perceive you (note for trends here, rather than exceptions).

The following information was offered to me in passing as the semester moved along without my initiation:

6 people in class noted to me during the semester that you are obviously a very angry person, you don't seem consistent in your communication skills, and you can come off as mean at times.  Due to these feelings, 2 of these students commented that they keep their comments to themselves unless they feel that you would "agree" with their point of view because they seem intimidated and you seem to only want to hear, or approve of those comments, that you agree with or seem like you could consider agreeing with.

1 student went out of his way this just now past semester to have an extended 1 and half hour conversation with me outside about his lost love who returned to Japan, how he lost face in the process of not giving up and basically, stalking her, and his plans to find a new job instead of working for his father (he mostly seeked my advice on the love concern).  During this long extended talk, he did ask my mark in class, and he did mention that it seemed to him from last class that you were very angry at the world, that it was very difficult to participate in the class because he had to rethink every thought before commenting in case it upset you, and that you have issues with women in general, and that you seem to be a young teacher who means well, but due to such anger, comes off the wrong way.
I just listened and didn't comment basically.  Also, he was probably one of your more likable students except I am not referring to your "hired spy".

1 girl of your culture told me one day while I was complaining about my paper, "he has problems.  i noticed he picks on you; don't pay attention."

Other comments were made but are not listed here because they are basically unimportant, like, "he didn't return my e-mail about the paper" (that was the psych student) and so forth.  I myself won't list the e-mail complaints because i suspect that it was my own e-mail harrassment of your box that caused you to completely stop checking your box (and i hope that the more current semesters you will be more responsible in communicating with students via e-mail especially considering that this is a city school and many people don't have the means or time to communicate in other ways in some cases).

Oh, 1 guy commented that it seems like you weren't educated in this state so you were "not in touch" (his words) with "city reality" (his words again).

Conclusion: the good news is that it seems you are improving tremendously.  

It is important for you to understand how other people perceive you in a classroom setting where you want the students to feel comfortable enough with you not only to participate, but to learn.  sometimes we block out the learning process with there is tension from the instructor.

Also, how you project your voice is a form of body language: i suggest taping yourself live in a class every once in awhile to make sure you are not too intimidating and more personable.

Also, don't underestimate the accute perceptions of your students in general.

Also, I understand that you have a tendancy to go COMPLETELY off topic to "inappropriate" subjects.  I suggest thinking carefully before doing that unless you are certain on your position and point of view, rather than getting feedback from the class to help you form your own point of view, or to bring up realization of your own feelings.

Also, last thing, I think it is inappropriate to use the classroom as a stage for playing out issues with another student like myself.  From other comments that were made, and my own sense of reality, almost everyone noticed and, it is unprofessional.


These are just friendly comments.  As I said, I'm wrapping up the year.  The only reason I care to share such valuable information is that I have compassion, and, I am generally the type of person that likes to improve myself, and help others improve.  my intentions are one with my heart, not divided.

Best of Luck.
