By LuLu
Date: 2002 Dec 22
Comment on this Work

the anotomy of

walls of stone, built up so high they will never fall again.
a soul gone sour, because of all these unleashed emotions ive been obtaining inside of me.
a bitter attitude, everything in the world is now pointless or stupid.
a frozen heart, overcome by the haterade that is dominating it.
a dangerous mind, pissed off at itself for not leaving sooner, and disgusted at every peron or thought.
clouded eyes, impairing the vision of every dream i ever desired.
a sharp, barbed tounge, snarling at these stupid people, because of its new angry outlook on life.
an imprisioned spirit, needing to fly, needing to leave this place and go as far away from these people as possible, needing to break down these walls and scream.

this is the new anotomy of me.