By dragonfleyes
Date: 2003 Feb 24
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we share stories of our past. the intimate encounters we would drive miles to have; the emotional aftermath. we'll lay there in the fading light, filtered shadows emerging from the curtains. our bodies seem to know which curves fit best into the others, where my hip lies on his, my leg draped over his, our heads with noses touching. we'll talk softly, barely audible above the constant blowing of the fan.

he flew to seattle, i drove to virginia. I drove to chicago, he drove to green bay. and each time we came home feeling even more empty than when the journey began. oddly enough through all our lives without knowing each other, we seemed to have found the same places to comfort our souls. we would drive to water, to the peninsula and rage our demons on the miles we trekked across.

then we met in quiet, and we have maintained our silence ever since. our hushed voices, our solitary life with each other. we've both had enough of the outside world and find a sanctuary in each other that we need.

i've grown quiet over the years, words not as ready on the tip of my tongue. i'm actually called shy now. he understands my quiet, the years spent before him when my life was blowing in the wind. we understand secrets and that there are some things too painfull to talk about, and that we may never be able to.

i have no direct route that I am writing about with this. i think when one finds love and that ones soul finds quiet, that our lives find a peace they wouldn't have otherwise. I have found my peace with myself, with the life i had lead previously. I was always worried about what would happen if someone knew about my life before them. How would they understand? Then I met someone who there needn't be explanations, just a quiet understanding. He's my sanctuary.