By Lulu
Date: 2003 Mar 07
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Remembering Your Deception

They say when you truely love someone,
being apart just makes your love stronger.
It must be true.
Because even though I have a hard time
believing in love,
There isnt a day that goes by that I dont
think about you.
That I dont wonder
if you miss me as much as I miss you.
I could talk to you like no other.
You were there always,
My protector,
My zachy....
now ...your zach...the jackass.
sometimes....I hate hearing your name.
But other makes me cry.
It reminds me of all the times you
put my heart on the line
for your own personal gain.
But then again.. it remins me
of how you were always there..
how you loved me...FOR ME,
and how your not there now.
Your the only person that
has ever truely accepted me
for me...and only me.
I trusted you above everyone else...
You COULDNT lie to me...
it wasnt in you.
I guess I dont know you as well as i thought.