By Lulu
Date: 2003 Apr 01
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Words are simply words
until you put them to poetry.
You could raid the dictoniary
of the most precious
and inspiring words...but they
would still be plain words.
Putting those plain words
to poetry..stimulates the words
to prance. Words are on the paper
waiting to be read..Poetry jumps out
at you and pulls you inside.
When words are put to poetry
they crawl off the page and dig
into your soul. You read words,
Poetry reads you. Words just peel
off the page, while Poetry flies from
the paper, down your throat and
those ordinairy words are stabbed
into your heart. Poetry is touching,
frightening, heartbreaking, soul-bending,
loving, hating, beautiful, repulsive,
and even more...
Yet I cant find a single word, phrase,
style or form..
that could possible justify this
feeling. I am yet to find a
way to explain these emotions.
There is no style of writing,
no dancing words, no anything..
that could possibly caputer
this exhilaration...So I'll stop trying.