By Ali
Date: 2003 Oct 04
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Down the Rabbit Hole

A little deeper--
I've fallen
Down the rabbit hole
Of my heart.  Tumbling
Upside down and sideways,
Wholly unprepared for this,
And these unsought
And unknowable repercussions.
I tripped over something,
Something so tiny, casual and
Commonplace--I don't remember
Even what it was.  But I tripped,
And this started, falling down
From yesterday to here--
And here I am.  I'm lost down this
Corridor of persuasion, with heartbeats
As the silence that broke the sky,
Lingering in remedy that knows no
Reasonable bounds--a kiss
Could save the world from any war,
And make any man swallow his pride.
Nothing is as it seems here, but
That is the true falsity
Which is wholly understood, and I
Have been nothing but honest about
Every truth and lie--gauging
All your hidden smiles, in an effort
To understand--you love me.
And I'm sorry, because I know that you
Didn't mean to, and you overdid
The workings of your heart, gifted me
With more than a wise man would share,
And you trusted my eyes--the Eyes
Of a Woman without anything to lose,
And after all the questions, singing-violet
Anger and conflicted resolutions, here you are--
Fallen down the rabbit hole, with me.