By Misti
Date: 2004 Mar 15
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Where Do I Go

where do i go now
to which strange beds
with empty embraces
where have my stumbled steps led me
now that i am brave and bare
a stupid cowgirl
without a horse

how will i build a fire
how will i learn directions
and banks
how will i hold myself
and tell myself
i am erica jong
i am unafraid of the flying
that has led me here
i am everything
a flawed fraud, yes
but holy nonetheless

where do i go now that i am free
no longer loved and cherished and protected
from the starved wolf night
where do i take my tired bones
where is home
how far from here
how many more monsters to slay
how many days to kill
with new drugs and hugs
from well-meaning onlookers

where will i wind up
point me to the graveyard.