By Babygirl
Date: 2004 Mar 30
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No Worries

If there is one thing I've learned,
it's to just trust in life itself.
It will bring you were you need to go,
so don't worry about anything else.
Don't wonder where your meant to be,
who your with,or where there from.
Just do what you feel is right
and everything else will just come.
Don't think about the past or future,
just live in the moment right now.
Things will just take there course,
it will all end up ok some how.

I use to worry about what people thought,
if they liked me or if they knew I was there.
But I've learned I'll be better off,
If I acted like I don't even care.
I use to worry about finding that special someone,
if there is a love out there for me.
But someone use to tell me all the time,
if it was meant to be, it will be.

So my advice to you, is dont worry!
Someday it will all be ok
I promise you will find your someone
someday, some how, some way.