By Misti
Date: 2004 Nov 24
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Thanksgiving Eve 2004

more stress this morning
and before we even left the parking lot
you bitched about not having a car
I bitched about the tight parking space
and the hubcap that popped off the front tire
then you bitched because I threw the hubcap
in the backseat on top of the clean clothes
then I bitched about how much I hate the cold
then we both bitched about the ex-roommate
and the key she lost to the car you've already
made a payment on
but we kissed bye like we always do
and when I got back home
I looked through your book of poems
written in Phoenix and San Francisco
found an 8X10 black and white glossy
of you with your long hair
dressed in black
eyes closed
chest exposed
and your lightning bolt necklace
the ever present drum sticks in your hands
cigarette dangling from your lips
love letter to Tamara
scrawled on the back
"P.S. Still waiting for Valentine's Day!"
then I watched the "Reality Check" episode
that features you and Hugh at the Bondage A Go Go
I still smile and drool like a groupie
and I still wonder what would have happened
if we had met back then
when you were an unapologetic hedonist on wheels
I would have been an eighteen year old virgin
who still believed in God
fresh outta the box
without a single fuckin' clue
I've got you now
you say you're broken
and don't believe me when I tell you
you are hot
and everything I want
and you've got me
and I know I'm broken
but sometimes I believe you when you tell me
I am the girl of your dreams
and there is a happily most of ever after
regardless of all the lack
waiting for us around the track like a good train
a train that won't run over
our tired broke asses.